High Efficiency Sample Introduction System (HE-SIS)

Originally designed as a highly efficient single-cell sample introduction system, Glass Expansion's HE-SIS has been redesigned to provide superior performance across a wide variety of applications, including single-cell, single particle, nanoparticle, and low-volume sample studies, with up to 95% transport efficiency.

Key HE-SIS Components

Conventional ICP-MS spray chambers have low transport efficiencies (typically < 5% TE) that filter out larger droplets ( > 5µm) from the nebulizer aerosol. The Glass Expansion HE-SIS features three critical components to overcome this significant sample transport deficiency.

(a) High Efficiency MicroMist™ Nebulizer

  • This specially designed concentric glass nebulizer is based on our popular MicroMist™ design, capable of efficiently nebulizing limited sample volumes at low sample and argon gas flow rates.

(b) MicroJet Gas Adapter

MicroJet Adaptor
  • MicroJet gas adapter (Patent approved), which shapes the nebulizer aerosol plume to reduce sample deposition on the spray chamber walls and enhance transport efficiency.

(c) High Efficiency Spray Chamber

HE-SIS Chamber
  • A low-volume, on-axis spray chamber directly couples to the torch, providing the highest transport efficiency and excellent washout between samples.

Superior Performance

In a comparison of the average sensitivity, Glass Expansion's HE-SIS provided a factor of 2 to 3 increase compared to another commercially available single-cell or laminar flow sample introduction system (BrandX). The sensitivity ratio of the HE-SIS to BrandX was averaged for 16 masses, ranging low to high at a nebulizer sample flow rate ranging from 4 to 100 uL/min.

This increase in sensitivity is indicative of the high quality design of the Glass Expansion HE-SIS and MicroJet which greatly improves the transport efficiency compared to other commercially available systems.

Average Sensitivity Comparison

Optimizing Operating Conditions

With every sample introduction system, the operating conditions should be optimized in order to achieve the best performance possible. In our HE-SIS Webinar we highlight the optimization of the HE-SIS nebulizer and MicroJet.

This webinar is a great introduction to the HE-SIS and can be used as a tutorial to achieve optimum transport efficiency and understand each operating parameter of the HE-SIS and its effect on overall performance.

Instrument Specific Installation

In addition to high performance, it is also important to provide a simple and reliable means of installation. Therefore, every HE-SIS is designed to suit a specific instrument model, which includes a mounting bracket support, ensuring proper alignment of the laminar flow spray chamber.

Part Number Description
KT-1155 HE-SIS for Agilent® ICP-MS
KT-1172 HE-SIS for Thermo Scientific™ ICP-MS
KT-1184 HE-SIS for PerkinElmer® NexION 1000, 1100, 2000, 2200, 5000
KT-1204 HE-SIS for PerkinElmer® NexION 300/350
KT-1213 HE-SIS for Thermo Scientific™ X Series
KT-1215 HE-SIS for Thermo Scientific™ Neptune, Element
KT-1219 HE-SIS for Nu Vitesse

Single-cell Literature

High Efficiency Sample Introduction System Flyer

High-Sensitivity Single-Cell Sample Introduction System for ICP-MS

High Efficiency Nebulizer for Single Cell TOF-ICP-MS Presentation Poster

Towards Automated Routine Analysis of the Distribution of Trace Elements in Single Cells using ICP-MS

Multi-Element Analysis of Single Cells using a TOF-ICP-MS

Please email us at enquiries@geicp.com for more information.

Customer comments

(In reference to the Single Cell Sample Introduction System) We have been using your system since we have got best transport efficiencies when compared to other ones in the market. Generally, we obtain something like 70-80% in bacteria and yeast and lower (50-60%) in eukaryotic cells and NPs.

University laboratory – Spain

We have been using the Glass Expansion Single Cell Sample Introduction System in several studies including cells and Au NPs. Regarding the Au NPs, depending on operating conditions, transport efficiencies ranging between 60 and 95% were achieved.

ICP manufacturer - Europe

We tried the configuration you provided us, and the single cell sample introduction worked perfectly. We are tremendously grateful for your help.

University laboratory – Spain