了解Glass Expansion雾化室

Helix - 雾化器和雾化室间的现代接口


Assembling your Glass Expansion ICP Nebulizer and Spray Chamber

大多数ICP光谱仪倚赖雾化器和雾化室之间的密封环。这一设计由于封口上的滞留量,可能会延长清洗时间。Helix消除了封口上的滞留量,使清洗时间更快,样品吞吐量更高。但即使是最具化学抵抗性的密封环也会磨损,需要定期更换。还可能粘合到玻璃雾化器上,使雾化器难以卸除。为消除所有这些问题,Glass Expansion开发了Helix - 容易操作的雾化器/雾化室联接件。

惰性密封 = 没有滞留量

Helix接头只可用于使用Helix侧臂的Glass Expansion雾化室,不能用于带密封环的雾化室。

配有Helix的玻璃雾化室可通过部件编号结尾处的字母HE识别,如20-809-0224HE。所有Glass Expansion PFTE和PFA雾化室都附带Helix。没有HE后缀是因为这些雾化室都附带Helix。

Glass Expansion雾化室的秘密

只有Glass Expansion雾化室提供所有这些益处:

Tracey和Twister玻璃雾化室的雾化器适配器 (使用密封环)

此网站中显示的所有使用密封环雾化器适配器的Tracey和Twister玻璃雾化室,其标准配置都附带P/N 21-808-0256的雾化器适配器。此适配器可用于6mm玻璃同轴雾化器。使用这些附带VeeSpray、OpalMist和PolyCon雾化器的Tracey和Twister玻璃雾化室时,都需要P/N 21-808-0257的雾化器适配器。

Cinnabar和Twinnabar玻璃雾化室的雾化器适配器 (使用密封环)

此网站中显示的所有使用密封环雾化器适配器的Cinnabar和Twinnabar玻璃雾化室,其标准配置都附带P/N 21-808-0259的雾化器适配器。此适配器可用于6mm玻璃同轴雾化器。使用这些附带OpalMist和PolyCon雾化器的Cinnabar和Twinnabar玻璃雾化室时,都需要P/N 21-808-0944的雾化器适配器。

HF Tracey雾化室的雾化器适配器 (使用密封环)

所有使用密封环的HF Tracey雾化室的标准配置都附带P/N 21-808-0257的雾化器适配器。此适配器可用于VeeSpray、OpalMist和PolyCon雾化器。使用附带6mm玻璃同轴雾化器的HF Tracey雾化室时,需要使用P/N 21-808-0256的雾化器适配器。

HF Cinnabar雾化室的雾化器适配器 (使用密封环)

所有使用密封环的HF Cinnabar雾化室的标准配置都附带P/N 21-808-0944的雾化器适配器。此适配器可用于OpalMist和PolyCon雾化器。使用附带6mm玻璃雾化器的HF Cinnabar雾化室时,需要使用P/N 21-808-0259的雾化器适配器。


为了您的方便与安全,所有使用标准4mm排液管的Glass Expansion雾化室都附带一个UniFit连接器。UniFit连接器可将0.75mm内径 x 1.3mm外径排液管高效连接至雾化室。

要订购UniFit连接器备件,可订购P/N UFT-075一套3个连接器。


(In reference to replacing sample introduction system that came with the ICP-OES) That twister chamber was exactly what we needed to solve our issues. The D-Torch with this spray chamber is giving us more stable readings than we’ve had in a long time. We’ve had less QC failures and faster turnaround time with this setup than what we had previously.

Chemical manufacturer - USA

From a maintenance standpoint, this new system is much easier to handle than the old system since we've gotten rid of the O-Rings and replaced them with the Helix fitting. That alone could save us a few dollars now that we don't have to force the nebulizer through the O-Rings and risk breaking if it's not done properly (not to mention we don't have to purchase O-Rings anymore).

Reference material manufacturer - USA

We actually ordered a spray chamber with the Helix system on it that we are really enjoying. We will be ordering another one for our other ICP shortly.

Environmental Laboratory - USA