







Download Instructions for Cleaning and Handling the TruFlo

Part Number Description
70-803-0643 TruFlo Sample Monitor 0 - 4.0mL/min
70-803-0774 TruFlo Sample Monitor 0 - 0.05mL/min
70-803-0788 TruFlo Sample Monitor 0 - 1.0mL/min
70-803-0890 TruFlo Sample Monitor for HF 0 - 4.0mL/min
70-803-0892 TruFlo Sample Monitor for HF 0 - 0.05mL/min
70-803-0891 TruFlo Sample Monitor for HF 0 - 1.0mL/min










样品导管: 硼硅酸盐玻璃。适用于水溶液、有机溶剂、大部分酸类。不适用于氢氟酸(HF)。
样品流传感器: 非侵入性热电传感器
可测样品流范围: 0 - 4.0mL/分钟
校准样品流范围: 0.2 - 4.0mL/分钟。TruFlo可用于低于0.2mL/分钟的样品流,具有极好的可重复性,但精度可能超出指定范围。
校准溶液: 去离子水。TruFlo能够高效确定非水溶液样品流的任何变化,尽管样品流读数的绝对精度可能超出指定的范围。
样品流读数的精度: +/-5% (用去离子水时在校准样品流范围内)。
内部容积: 0.13mL
重量: 300g
大小: 100 x 40 x 60mm

Part Number Measurable flow range (mL/min) Calibrated flow range (mL/min) Internal volume (mL) Sample path
70-803-0643 0 - 4.0 0.2 - 4.0 0.12 Borosilicate glass + PEEK
70-803-0774 0 - 0.05 0.001 - 0.05 0.033 Quartz + PEEK
70-803-0788 0 - 1.0 0.03 - 1.0 0.055 Borosilicate glass + PEEK
70-803-0890 0 - 4.0 0.2 - 4.0 0.12 HF resistant
70-803-0892 0 - 0.05 0.001 - 0.05 0.033 HF resistant
70-803-0891 0 - 1.0 0.03 - 1.0 0.055 HF resistant

Non-aqueous solutions

The TruFlo is normally calibrated for aqueous solutions. With non-aqueous solutions, it can be reliably used to detect any change in the sample flow, but the actual flow reading will not be correct. If you routinely run non-aqueous solutions you can order a TruFlo calibrated for your specific application. You will need to specify what solution you are using and the TruFlo will be supplied pre-calibrated for your solution. When you order the TruFlo, simply add:

Part number 70-TFCAL, TruFlo calibration service.

QA Kit

The QA Kitis a convenient package combining the TruFlo Sample Monitor, Inline Particle Filter, Eluo Nebulizer Cleaning Tool and Eluo Adaptor for Inline Filter.

The QA Kit enhances the day-to-day reproducibility of your results and greatly reduces the chance of a blocked nebulizer.

Ordering Information

Part Number Description
70-803-1108 Inline Filter for 1/16 inch Tubing
70-803-1183 Inline Filter for 1.3mm Tubing
70-803-1160 Eluo Adaptor for Inline Filter
KT-1136 QA Kit
70-803-0749 Fitting Seal (Ferrule) 1/16 inch (PKT 10)
70-803-0748 Fitting Seal (Ferrule) 1.3mm (PKT 10)


The NEW TruFlo system is working really well.

University biology laboratory - Australia

If sample flow rate is suspect for some reason, one way to monitor it would be with Glass Expansion's TruFlo Sample Monitor.

Environmental consultant - USA

(In reference to the TruFlo) It works exceptionally well. I have two units connected to ICPs and have saved a great deal of troubleshooting time because of them.

Manufacturer - USA

(In reference to the TruFlo) A nice piece of kit to help with sample intro trouble shooting.

Minerals laboratory - Australia

(In reference to the TruFlo) No need to convince me - I consider this an essential tool for every lab that uses ICP-OES, ICP-MS.

University Analytical Chemistry Department - Canada

The TruFlo from Glass Expansion is a great diagnostic tool for flow rate control.

QC Laboratory - USA

We like the TruFlo monitor. It has helped us on a number of occasions to track down some minor issues and we use it constantly while running our ICP.

Oil company - USA

I just had a frustrating fiasco with a happy ending that might prove helpful to others. We were experiencing random high drifts (>10% over 5 minutes) ... I purchased a liquid flow meter from a popular ICP supplies vendor and installed it on the carrier line. Sure enough, the flow rate was making fairly abrupt changes consistent with the observed drifts in the ICP emission. I finally figured out it was a worn teflon rotor in the FAST switching valve ... I have found the sample flow meter to be a very handy diagnostic tool ... It is the TruFlo from Glass Expansion. I saw it at Pittcon and remembered it when the problem arose.

Chemical manufacturer - USA