Optimal Sample Introduction Solutions: Maximizing ICP Performance for Battery Analysis
Thank you for your interest; our recorded webinar will cover the selection of optimal sample introduction components
and best maintenance practices to overcome the challenges of battery analysis by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. We also
introduce a revolutionary ICP accessory, the Jet Vortex Interface (JVI™), which allows for the direct analysis
of battery electrolytes in Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) without dilution or the need for a Peltier cooled spray chamber.
A detailed summary of the work conducted using the JVI™ is featured in our application note, "Improved
Analysis for the Lithium Battery Industry: How Pure are your Organic Solvents?" which can also be downloaded.
Webinar Key Objectives:
Overview of the ICP sample introduction system and selecting the best components for performance and matrix compatibility.
Optimization of ICP operating parameters for performance and stability.
Review of best maintenance practices to extend the life and performance of the ICP sample introduction system.
A new, innovative ICP accessory is introduced, which allows for the direct analysis of battery electrolytes in IPA without aqueous dilution or a Peltier cooled spray chamber.
View Webinar, presented by Dr. Maja Budanovic and Dr. Ryan Brennan:
Download our Application Note:
This work represents cooperation between Glass Expansion and Pure Lithium (Cambridge, MA) to evaluate the
benefits of an innovative aerosol filtration accessory combined with a low-volume, high-efficiency spray
chamber to measure lithium battery electrolytes by ICP-OES without the need to digest the sample. This
paper reviews the capabilities of this innovative sample introduction system coupled with an
ultra-high-performance ICP-OES system that supplants ICP-MS capabilities, especially concerning one
critical element of interest, chlorine.